Jumat, 16 September 2011

Fortress Button Palace


Citadel History Wolio Buton Palace, which until now still standing strong and majestic peaks above the village Melai. The extent of which no less than 22 hectares more gold records for MURI delivery that recognizes if the fort is confirmed as the largest fort in the archipelago.
 Fortress Buton Pallace
The presence of the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) some time ago in the town of Bau-Bau former sultanate of Buton region of Southeast Sulawesi province gives new hope to communities throughout the region, especially in the realm of Buton.Namun, MURI also still hope to win the International title for the fortress palace predicted Buton will add a row of the wonders of the world as a bastion of the largest in the world that has now awaited coronation Buton community.
There is one interesting thing that should be known to the population in the archipelago of the existence of the fort palace of Buton. That is a fortress that is not just standing and silent. However, in the area of ​​the fortress palace there are community activities that keep doing various rituals like that happen during the imperial centuries ago.

Inside the fort there are residential areas which is the heir to a noble family descended from the royal palace Buton past. In this place there is also a past history of heritage sites that are still well preserved. In the middle of the fortress there is an old mosque and the old flag pole for the rest of the mosque. Which was built during the reign of Sultan Sultan Buton III La Sangaji Kaimuddin or known by the nickname â € ~ Sangia Makengkunaâ € ™ which holds the throne between the years 1591 to 1597.

This fort has a length of 2740 meters that surround the original traditional village Buton with old houses that remain preserved until today. People who lived in the fort area is also still apply the original culture that is packaged in a diverse display of art and culture that are often displayed in ceremonial rites.
Another legacy is about 100 types of woven fabric that is created from a typical Buton skilled hands of the people of Buton. In addition there is diversity of language in the communities in the region Buton to reach hundreds of types of language with its own dialect which is spread in 72 regions (kadie). However, it remains committed to making Wolio Language as a language that can unite keragam it. Peace and brotherhood coloring people's lives. Until this country is always peaceful and serene never a dispute that brought the split.

Nuance is shown by the Islamic sultanate form of government with which the official language of the written language with characters Wolio Wolio Hijahiyah using Arabic letters. An undeniable heritage. But unfortunately, the existence of the fort palace and various keragam and cultural richness of history as if forgotten by the views of the National. The uniqueness of it has almost never received recognition in the eyes of the world.
As a container that collects the wonders of the world in the archipelago, MURI must immediately make efforts to achieve worldwide recognition for a multitude of its uniqueness and its largest fortress which now sits in the middle area of ​​the former sultanate of Buton Bau-Bau in Southeast Sulawesi.
Its location is strategically located on the plateau indicates that the founders of this country has a civilization of yore. Construction of the fort are difficult to resolve by the sophistication of the technology also should be food for thought that the creativity of the ancestors of Buton in the past can not be underestimated.
Efforts are being made by local governments struggle to introduce the unique culture of Buton with all forms of historical relics. Among the activities of the International Symposium held pernaskahan archipelago in August 2005. This event was attended by representatives from cultural experts from inside and outside the country such as Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, China, Germany, Netherlands, Russia and several other countries in the world. This effort can not be separated from the seriousness of the government of smells under control of the Mayor I Baubau Drs. MZ Amirul Tamim, M. Si with the vision of its mission to make this area as a gateway to economic and tourism based on local culture and religion.